Mandarin Jam

Mandarin Jam Photo By Thanasis Bounas
Mandarin Jam Photo By Thanasis Bounas

● 1 kg mandarins
● 1 kg sugar
● juice of 1 lemon

Wash the mandarins well and remove the stems.
Put them in a pot and add enough water to just cover the fruit and boil for 1/2 hour to soften the peels.
Pour the contents of the pot into a colander, discarding the water and allow the mandarins to cool.
Over a bowl to catch all the juices, slice the mandarins in half and remove any seeds and the pith.
Put the mandarins in a blender and put them in the pot.
Add the sugar and if the juices are not enough, add a little bit water.
Boil on high heat for about 20-25 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, removing any foam with a spoon.
Once the jam is ready, remove from the heat.
Store in sterilized jars.

The recipe is from the website

Mandarin Jam Photo By Thanasis Bounas
Mandarin Jam Photo By Thanasis Bounas